New Style and zero apologies

I am keeping this weeks entry short and sweet, like my latest Youtube video.. go head click the link there and ill be here once you have watched it, liked it, and subscribed..Still waiting…

Ok so my style has often been described as dark. My favorite descriptive to date is, “dark yet romantic” though I cant recall who cited it this way to save my life. I have had ups and downs trying to find my groove so to speak, that is until now. This style will change some of course but for the next few weeks expect this coming to an Instagram feed or 2 near you. I hope you enjoy it but honestly at the end of the day, I do. Wes does and here at Throat Punch Pros that is and will be enough. Will it be for everyone, of course not and that doest mean we cant provide what you need, this is just our personal style and brand going forward. So here.. pictures and stuff.


Just do it…. it worked for Nike

As the alarm begins its horrible sound that raises you out of your 5 hours of sleep.  I open my eyes to the sliver of light that is creeping in between the drapes from the lights outside.  The chill in the morning air is all but screaming in your ear “DON’T GET UP”.  There is a still in the air in the early mornings silence.  It’s only 5:30am, and the majority of the rest of the world is asleep.  I rub my eyes and it almost feels as though my hands are scrubbing my face with grains of sand.  I sit up with my feet dangling off the bed for a moment, and have to make a decision.  Do I A) get up and do what I promised myself I would, or do I B) make a hot cup of coffee and enjoy a silent morning to myself.  

A....  That had to be the answer.  Ugh....  I get up and throw on a comfy pair of jeans, like the only hoodie that I own anymore (I have NO IDEA where they all have disappeared too.... so feel free to send me free ones, as it’s cold living in a van), and then spend about the next 45 minutes creating a scene in video of me doing what I just done.  What took me 4 minutes in life, that scene in video takes 45 minutes to shoot, and that’s just an “OK” version.  With some research from the night before, I knew where I wanted to head and after buttoning down everything inside my van and slipping the key into the ignition I was off.  No coffee. No breakfast.  I was chasing the sunrise.  To shorten up what would be an amazingly long blog post, I jumped on the Blue Ridge Parkway and drove for about 15-20 miles to spot out some locations quickly before the light of day starting creeping across the mountains.  I recorded the drive, my locations, a vLog style video about the morning, how I thought and felt in those moments.  Took multiple photos of multiple locations, and videos as well.  For anyone reading this that knows much about a Canon 70D camera, I ran through a total of 3 batteries.  All of that video...... I watched back through it, and promptly put it on a hard drive that I will probably never access again.  

You’re now probably going “What the actual fuck did he do 4 hours of work for only to ignore the video files???”, and that’s what this post is all about.  

I have almost turned into a hermit anymore with my schedule, and trying to work if only even  in the background on a new project that I have elected to do, (A mini series about 5 creators that will be released in 2020), the website, Instagram, podcasts, whatever. I wok my normal day job from 8-8 or 9 ish and then return to the van only to turn on either music or some random mind numbing Netflix show whilst I answer messages, send emails, change the website, watch a tutorial on algorithms, maybe watch and read about a new program for editing video audio or photos..... You get the point, right?  Then there are some days that I work until the same hours before driving an hour and a half to be home.  Laundry, loving on the babies ( yeah I got cats, deal with it), doing the normal things that have to be done at a house, playing with my kid or whatever he wants. These are typically how my days are spent, and for some of that I’m ok with it.  This last Sunday that I described within the first paragraph was a different one for me.  Everyone else had plans, I had to be at work at 11, and i had some time. It was time that I done something. I did everything that you just read, and I did that for ME. Not to share to our YouTube community, or anything... I needed to do it for me. Maybe it was to remind me how much I truly enjoy making videos.  Maybe it was because if I made myself do it, I KNEW that those moments standing in the woods, or on the road side, or where ever and holding that camera ... it would make me feel alive in my head again.  The “work” that I do combined with lack of social interaction or friendships/relationships with much more than a phone that is in my hand has almost made me a numb human.  Like literally. I rarely feel anger, hatred, excitement, or much of anything else anymore it seems. Almost like a person that is a simple straight line on a chalk board. A little shaky at times, but for the most part just that little straight jagged line without much movement.  That’s how my head feels. 

If you take nothing out of this entire post except for one thing, please....  Take this.  Just do it.  For you.  No one else.  Whatever your “it” is.  Just do it, even if you store it all away never to be seen or talked about again.  

Thanks for reading, and I hope that I don’t ramble too much.  Like the post above just stated, I don’t have a video that I’ll be releasing of this day... Maybe as I work on another project you’ll see some scenes but I’ll never tell if they’re there.  I did also take some photos, and I’ll post them below.  Thank you, again.... if you made it this far.  

My bestie, Betty White

My bestie, Betty White

Photographer and vanlife mode engaged

Photographer and vanlife mode engaged

The sunlight turned the trees into gold

The sunlight turned the trees into gold

As the sun began lighting the valley…

As the sun began lighting the valley…

Get lost and find yourself

Get lost and find yourself


Be You, unapologetically You

Jeremy here and there has been a lot going on in my personal life of late and this isn’t necessarily about that but that’s what brought me to this topic. Wes and I are pretty genuine individuals. We say what we want, and we make work that we enjoy. That doesn't mean every job we book is ideal but that does mean we dive in 100% to whatever we set our minds and talents to. I was listening to a podcast today while running a few errands and he mentioned the importance of being and discovering who you are in your craft or art. Those are my words not his but if you would like to check it out, the podcast is by one of my favorite authors on the medium of photography. David Duchemin is a name I have probably mentioned before and is a name I have definitely recommended many times to someone looking for inspiration. You can find the podcast by clicking HERE

I agree with David but also believe we owe it to not only ourselves but to the work we create to be ourselves. I mean your honest, bare, raw self. Not to create the work you will get the most fake likes for on social media, but the work that will stir the desire to create something again, and again. Its ever so important to put your stamp on this world. Life is so damn short, and we see so little of our talent, and desires fulfilled in our work. I long for work that I can’t sleep for thinking of making. For the image so hauntingly beautiful that I lose sleep over thinking of it. I must find a way to turn off the noise of society, of financial pulls to just create for the sake of creating alone. Ive said it countless times, but I want my work to reflect that of those I admire the most. Not because its mathematically perfect, but because it demands attention. It find its pulse in the deep understanding for more.

This one is short, but this is what’s on my mind a lot these days so that’s what you get! So find your inspiration but stop comparing yourself to everyone else. You are uniquely made and one of a kind, live like it already!


Christmas Minis are in the works and will be on a first come basis only

Never stop creating.....

* fingers rolling around an ink pen as I stare at a blank screen*

Every 15 minutes I pick up my iPhone and click open the apps. 4 views… now 7. Still 7….. an hour passed… now 15. This is almost what happens every time I click the upload button for a podcast, blog, or YouTube video. This is the way my brain works, and I literally have no idea why I react the way that I do. It’s time like now when I replay those things back in my mind, I often think WHY. Why do I do this?? Why not just stop clicking the upload button on IG, Facebook, YouTube, whatever. Why do I put myself into this spot in my head? Why don’t I just QUIT?

If you have read one of the most recent blog posts by me on my personal page (this is Wes btw), you should be well aware of the project that we are beginning here at Throat Punch Pros. This project will most likely be a undertaking that will take money out of our pockets that will never be returned. It will take time away from our families that we can’t get back. It will put wear and tear onto our cameras and gear which we will receive no compensation. It will make me have these moments that we just spoke about in the first paragraph multiple times as we press the upload button…. and wait…. So why???

The answer I feel is pretty simple actually. We do what we do NOT for the likes. We do what we do to satisfy our own minds. Whether it a 30 second video of myself making coffee, a snap shot of some random tree or mountain, a quote, whatever it might be. These little things that we do, or things that we share onto all of these social media platforms, they are my or our way to HOPEFULLY share our visions. Maybe to even encourage someone who sees something that we do and makes them want to do something even more spectacular than what we could even imagine. Without someone or something inspiring us at some point throughout our lives, we probably wouldn’t be where we are. Our company wouldn’t be growing. Our minds wouldn’t be growing and pushing the envelopes of what we do each and every time we pick up our bags filled with gear. I know what you’re saying. You’ve read this post and at some point said “Get to the dang point, man!”. Well here it is….. Whether you have a $12,000 RED Camera in your hand, or a 35mm film camera that you picked up at a garage sale for fifty cents… Never stop. Don’t worry about the number of likes, or comments you get. Only remind yourself each and every single time you click the button to share or upload your work, that somewhere someone is out there seeing what you do, and maybe….. your art will help inspire the next great in our time. Never give up, never stop creating. It’s worth it.

Wanna write your own blog?? CLICK HERE to get starter for FREE!

A pod cast?? What?!

Well… If you were in the Johnson City Tennessee area yesterday and saw our rather large van (aka. Betty White) parked in a random parking lot with two bald, heavily tattooed dudes just sitting beside it with two cameras and an audio recording device…. You weren’t seeing things. One of the goals that we sat for ourselves this last year was to get our PodCast up and running, and yesterday at about 11:30 am we FINALLY did it! I had recently found the app called Anchor by listening to a PodCast done by Casey Neistat and his wife Candic (owner of Billy!). I’ll admit I did NO research into how the app worked, nor how to do our first episode but BAM…. 20 minutes later not only was it done FOR FREE, it was live and online. Granted it’s not great, and the YouTube video will probably be watched/listened to more than the podcast but t was hella easy!

Since yesterday, I actually used my head and done some research to the point that I can successfully say that our following ones will only become better and better…. except you’re still gonna have to listen to us just being us….cause…. well, we do what we want! But until the next one hits, take a quick listen to the first of many to come, and help us out by giving us some feedback and a share or two! You can find us on Apple iTunes, Spotify, the Anchor app, and everywhere else you listen to your podcasts…or…. do what I would do and click the link below!


Do you want to have your own blog, for free??? CLICK HERE !!!

Done is better than perfect... or so they say.

All the lights are off.  The noise from the washer and dishwasher fill my ears.  The glow of the television which is muted illuminates my living room.  Shoes off and feet on the coffee table here I sit.  I've been working on a video for a company that we work with for almost two weeks, and I have almost decided that I am done editing it, but...  It's still just not what I want.  There are pieces that I feel are missing.  The audio is about to drive me absolutely insane.  We shot the "interview" on the back porch of an Air BNB that we were all at in Louisville Kentucky and those damn crickets.... I mean don't get me wrong.  The photos that came from where we set up were amazing.  The set gives the mood that I was hoping for.  Dark, moody, meaningful... But that crickets.  They have haunted me for two weeks. So today I just finally gave up on trying to get them out (I'm NOT an audio guy at all.... and learned that this week) and have decided that I had to be done.  As I type those words, a quote from Casey Neistat comes to mind "Done is better than perfect".



I can't say that he is wrong, but this might be one of my largest flaws.  I ALWAYS want to give people what they want, and then some.  What I'm saying is that if someone wants me to give them a $100, I'm that guy that wants to give them $200.  If someone wants a pair of shoes, I wanna give them a new pair of Yeezy's.  Stupid, right?  I agree.  But this is the way that I have been for forever, and I don't know why.  Maybe it's the only way to show anyone that I give a shit as my emotions are not something that most will ever see. Maybe it's because I try to replace time with money, because that's what I've done for years.  I've traded 12-14 hours a day 6 days per week, missed things at home, holidays, and everything else for ... money.  Now that I've actually typed that out it sounds rather lonely or sad I suppose to those that are reading it. Hell. Maybe it seems that way to me too somewhere inside, however its just kinda the person that I've became over the years. now back to what started this post.


This video I have scheduled to release for the company this coming Friday, September 20th.  It's literally the first video that will be posted on their YouTube channel and HOPEFULLY will take off like a rocket ship.  With that being said, that's just one of the additional reasons that I want everything perfect. This video going live and being seen by hundreds or even thousands of people could have a HUGE effect not only on his company, but the company that we are building here as well with Throat Punch Productions. This idea that we began over a year ago of a company that Jeremy and I could both grow together to the point where it would be our actual "jobs" one day has been like a long slow burning fuse.  I just keep waiting on that fuse to hit the bottom of the bottle rocket, and smile with delight as I hear the whoosh and see the flames as we sky rocket into what we want to become. Well.... rant/vent is over now.  I'm going to sit and stare at this video for 6 more days and then finally let go and just see what happens. So if you happen to follow our social media accounts (cause you should, cause we're awesome) you'll get to see when that launches, and I'll get another post on here as well with the link when it's up live.  Who knows.... with any luck, maybe someone will see the video, hear the message behind the company and it'll change a life.  If that happens, and nothing else....well.... "Done is better than perfect"

I can’t stop…

We just got back from a trip that took us a few days. As you may or may not know, we had decided to purchase a Ram Promaster van to help us as we grow with our travel situations. On that trip, because it’s us, we took our cameras. Granted we didn’t go all out on anything. We took only the basics. No tripods, lights, gimbals, nothing. Just our cameras. While we were driving in a rental car to go pickup our new van (aka Betty White), Jeremy sat beside me staring out the window. Suddenly, he jumped. His camera quickly to his face, his hands placed on the Lens, and I heard him say “Shit… I think I missed it!”

He was wrong … so wrong. The picture that I share with you now is that exact photo. Shot from a window while traveling at about 70 mph … he made time stand still. He took a shot that I have stared at for probably almost an hour now. He snapped a shot that will be the only piece of artwork that will be displayed inside of Betty White …. eww… that sounded horrible. Just remember, Betty White is our new van/camper van …

i wish I could put into words the feelings that I get as I stare at this photograph. The thoughts that come to my mind. I simply don’t have the words … but if I don’t share it with everyone, you can’t have the opportunity to feel the same as I. So without further ado, I present to you a beautiful piece that I have nicknamed “The Silence”…. you’re welcome.


The internal battle

So, just like every business owner (or at least I THINK this is how they all are).. I’ve worked my “day job” for the last 12 hours and am currently sitting at a bar top with my iPad in hand. As I sip on a glass of whiskey on the rocks my mind won’t turn off. Like at all. I’ve sat and starred at the SEO tab on our website, I’ve researched key words, I’ve looked up google add words, and literally gotten lost in so much data that I think I have used pieces of my brain that I haven’t in years. I began realizing that I was stressing so badly over these little things that I hadn’t even stopped to enjoy the spirit sitting to my left, and that within itself is a horrible thought. So let’s talk, shall we?

We are a small company. Like legit, there’s two of us that do this. We do have other shooters come in with us from time to time or collaborate on projects with others (insert IMD cert here ) but for the most part it’s just two tattooed dudes and their families that do this because of two simple reasons. #1 we love it. That feeling we get when we finish an album and get to deliver it to a client…. that’s like the best feeling in the world. #2… because if you don’t hire us we’ll punch you in the throat (hence the name..). And #3 because that last one was a total joke, it gives us the opportunity to capture moments in time that without these cameras, would be lost FOREVER. Any ways…. You get it, right? We do it not because we are going to become rich and famous, we do it because we love it. NOW for the other side…. We DO love it, but with the craft also come the costs. Like costs’ that we didn’t think of. New gear, travel money, a freaking van, flights, hotels, cases to put our gear in, drones that we crash and have to buy new ones, and the freaking list goes on and on and on. THESE, are the simple reasons that we charge for what we do. We want to be the best. Produce the best films. The best photos. The BEST experience to all of our clients. To do all of that , we try and expand. New website, looking to sell some merchandise (mainly because Throat Punch is the coolest name ever … I mean if you don’t want a T shirt that has our logo on it, why are you even reading this……) This is where the battle comes in.

I DO NOT want this to become something that we are slaves to. We want this to be fun not only for our clients, but for US. Yeah… we are fucking selfish, and that’s ok too. If you know us you already know that we aren’t afraid to speak our minds. To tell you to fuck off if you’re being a dick. To tell you that your idea for the “most amazing photo ever” is truly a pile of bull shit. WE will remind your uncle that’s trying to take “wedding photos” with is iPad to sit the fuck down, cause you hired a professional….. We want to make sure that you have fun, get the perfect experience, and we are the ones that can give it to you. So what the hell am I doing worrying about SEO or SEM or whatever its called?? It’s simple…. we want to be the best. We already know that we are the best photography company on the east coast. We know that Jeremy Gouge is a force that most can’t hold a candle to. Peter McKinnon, MIGHT…. be able to teach Wesley something but he’d do well to take a class from Jeremy to learn something himself. Soooooo here’s the end of the story. If you’re reading this, and you’re a computer guy/internet GURU freaking call me! We want our site to work well only to get us in front of some of the most rad people wanting to make some rad memories, and us catch them all! So HELP US…. Cause after all of this, and looking, reading, and typing this 30 minute rant…. I know that I am a much better film maker than I am in Internet Web maker…. Yep …. I suck balls at that :)

Times are changing.... and we are NOT afraid of change


Well…. WE’ve discussed this for well over a year. Looked at all the options. Debated what was the BEST decision for us both as a business, and with our finances. And the thumbnail for this blog post is what has became of all of this. As 2019 is already well in full swing, we have found ourselves with shoots happening on location in St Louis, Asheville, Knoxville, Bristol, Nashville, and Shelby just within the next 45 days! We are a small business, and those hotel rooms or Air BNB’s can take a HUGE amount from the bottom line, so this….. was what we feel is our next best step!

DON’T WORRY! As we begin building out our Ram Promaster 3500 eco diesel camper van/mobile office we will be taking you along for the ride with us! I personally have enjoyed watching multiple YouTube videos of others completing their builds, seeing how everyone has done little things to make life on the road easier, and I hope that you will enjoy our journey as well. If you haven’t already jump over to IG (Instagram) and give us a follow @throatpunchpros. After working long days at a normal 9-5 job you can enjoy watching me smash my fingers, cut myself, scream, yell, and possibly bleed too!

Wish us the best, and we hope to see you all soon as we travel across the country making our dreams come true…… and probably hiking every chance we get too!