Be You, unapologetically You

Jeremy here and there has been a lot going on in my personal life of late and this isn’t necessarily about that but that’s what brought me to this topic. Wes and I are pretty genuine individuals. We say what we want, and we make work that we enjoy. That doesn't mean every job we book is ideal but that does mean we dive in 100% to whatever we set our minds and talents to. I was listening to a podcast today while running a few errands and he mentioned the importance of being and discovering who you are in your craft or art. Those are my words not his but if you would like to check it out, the podcast is by one of my favorite authors on the medium of photography. David Duchemin is a name I have probably mentioned before and is a name I have definitely recommended many times to someone looking for inspiration. You can find the podcast by clicking HERE

I agree with David but also believe we owe it to not only ourselves but to the work we create to be ourselves. I mean your honest, bare, raw self. Not to create the work you will get the most fake likes for on social media, but the work that will stir the desire to create something again, and again. Its ever so important to put your stamp on this world. Life is so damn short, and we see so little of our talent, and desires fulfilled in our work. I long for work that I can’t sleep for thinking of making. For the image so hauntingly beautiful that I lose sleep over thinking of it. I must find a way to turn off the noise of society, of financial pulls to just create for the sake of creating alone. Ive said it countless times, but I want my work to reflect that of those I admire the most. Not because its mathematically perfect, but because it demands attention. It find its pulse in the deep understanding for more.

This one is short, but this is what’s on my mind a lot these days so that’s what you get! So find your inspiration but stop comparing yourself to everyone else. You are uniquely made and one of a kind, live like it already!


Christmas Minis are in the works and will be on a first come basis only