I am keeping this weeks entry short and sweet, like my latest Youtube video.. go head click the link there and ill be here once you have watched it, liked it, and subscribed..Still waiting…
Ok so my style has often been described as dark. My favorite descriptive to date is, “dark yet romantic” though I cant recall who cited it this way to save my life. I have had ups and downs trying to find my groove so to speak, that is until now. This style will change some of course but for the next few weeks expect this coming to an Instagram feed or 2 near you. I hope you enjoy it but honestly at the end of the day, I do. Wes does and here at Throat Punch Pros that is and will be enough. Will it be for everyone, of course not and that doest mean we cant provide what you need, this is just our personal style and brand going forward. So here.. pictures and stuff.